Chocolate Chip Cookie ingredient calculator (requires java)

Some shortcuts:

  • If an ingredient is listed at <0.05, you can probably leave it out.
  • 0.125 = 1/8, which can help when you're approximating a volume
  • AP flour has protein content midway between bread flour and cake flour, so if you need 1.125 cups bread flour and 1.125 cups cake flour, you can instead just use 2.25 cups AP flour.  Another example, if you need 0.75 cups bread flour and 1.5 cups cake flour, you can instead use 1.5 cups AP flour and 0.75 cups cake flour, since 0.75 cups bread flour and cake flour average out to be the same as AP flour in protein content.
  • Nothing wrong with approximating, I know it's difficult to measure 0.87 egg whites.

All-purpose recipe:
1) Combine Fats (any butter or shortening) and sugars (brown or white sugars) until smooth.
2) Add Liquids (water, milk, vanilla extract) and egg components (all whites and yolks) to creamed fats.  Combine until smooth.
3) Add flours, leavening agents (baking soda and/or baking powder), and salt.  Combine until smooth.
4) Stir in chocolate chips.
5) (Optional) If you want thicker cookies (thickness parameter > 0.5), I would recommend chilling the batter for at least 45 minutes
6) Scoop out batter with an ice cream scooper onto parchment paper laid on a baking sheet, 6 per sheet.
7) (Optional) If you want thinner cookies (thickness parameter < 0.5), I would recommend flattening out the scoops manually to about 1/4" thick.
8) Bake at 375 for 15-18 minutes.  (15 minutes for chewiness > 0.5, 18 minutes for chewiness < 0.5).

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